PANews reported on August 28 that according to Cointelegraph, a cryptocurrency analyst has expressed doubts about the optimistic prediction that the value of tokenized real-world assets (RWA) could reach $30 trillion by 2030. Instead, he believes that 5% of that amount is a more realistic goal. Real Vision Chief Crypto Analyst Mimi Coutts said in an X post on August 27: "If the current 2-year compound annual growth rate of 121% continues, we may see the value of tokenized traditional assets reach around $1.3 trillion by 2030." In June this year, Standard Chartered Bank and Synpulse predicted that by 2034, the scale of tokenized RWA could reach $30.1 trillion.

While Coutts believes that Wall Street's predictions are "overly optimistic," even his more conservative estimates could have a significant impact on the Web3 ecosystem if things go his way. He believes that if $1.3 trillion in RWA assets come on-chain, it will "have a huge flywheel effect" on other parts of the crypto ecosystem, such as NFTs, social platforms, and games. But he believes that the "value accumulation" on Ethereum will be difficult to calculate, depending on how much market share the Layer2 network will capture and how that share compares to the value captured by the Ethereum base network itself. He noted: "L2 will probably take 95-99% of the revenue, and the rest will be paid to ETH as settlement fees," and said that L2 is "unlikely to give up its cash cow and let ETH scale L1."