The founder of Telegram, Viktor Durov, was arrested in France, allegedly falling into a "honey trap" with a woman suspected to be a Western intelligence agent. His arrest has sparked widespread attention to free speech, as French prosecutors accused him of various crimes, including terrorism and money laundering.
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French President Emmanuel Macron denied political motives behind the arrest, stating it was part of a judicial investigation. Born in Russia in 1989, Durov, often called the "Russian Zuckerberg," left his homeland in 2014 and became a "world citizen."
Russian media claimed that Macron was acting on Washington's orders after the FBI's request for access to Telegram's backend was denied. A mysterious woman, Yulia Vavilova, was arrested alongside Durov, fueling speculation that she may have revealed his whereabouts.
Some analysts suggest this may have been a "honey trap" as Durov's Telegram platform poses challenges for Western countries. Months ago, leaked documents from the Israeli Ministry of Justice were shared on Telegram, highlighting the platform's role in global conflicts.
Durov's only "crime" appears to be his control of a social platform that Western countries cannot control. Despite his claims of persecution in Russia, Moscow never accused him of any crime. After his arrest, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demanded his release, and former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev remarked on the inescapable ties to one's homeland.
Durov now faces an uncertain fate, with possible bankruptcy and imprisonment. Although Russia and the UAE have shown support, it seems superficial. Ultimately, Durov's situation may be a consequence of his choices.
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