Why are you so eager to get away from the mini-game craze? In-depth analysis and market weirdness under the influence of Binance

When discussing why we want to withdraw from the current wave of mini-game craze in advance, we are not rashly predicting the short-term fluctuation trajectory of cryptocurrencies such as $DOGS, especially when the current funding rate is extremely high and the overall market atmosphere seems confusing. Behind this decision lies deep insight and rational analysis of market dynamics.

Core reason analysis:

Binance: A market benchmark, but not a master key

When it comes to market trends, we have to mention Binance, a giant in the cryptocurrency field. Binance, with its huge user base and profound influence, has undoubtedly become the launcher of many market trends. Whether it is Inscription ORDI or SATS, once Binance makes a move, it can always make waves. This is because among the huge user group, speculation is like wildfire, and speculation directly generates active buying power.

However, although this torrent of speculative buying is unstoppable, it also has its own distinctive characteristics-the pursuit of rapid and significant gains. This mentality of "only going fast but not breaking, only looking forward to rising" has made the market full of uncertainty and volatility in a short period of time.

Market rules: Funds are king, and rising prices require continuous blood transfusions

But it is worth noting that even if Binance has the ability to turn things upside down, it cannot violate the most basic law of the market - capital flow determines price trends. Any rise in the underlying stock must be supported by continued capital inflows. Without this key ingredient, even market giants like Binance will find it difficult to sustain long-term gains.

Conclusion: Prudence is the priority, and the market’s vagaries should be treated rationally

Therefore, in the context of the current abnormal market funding rates and the overall treacherous atmosphere, choosing to end your participation in the mini-game frenzy early is not to blindly follow the trend or flee in panic, but based on a deep understanding of market rules and a rational judgment of the current market environment. . We know that in the field of cryptocurrency, which is full of variables, only by maintaining a cautious and rational attitude can we move forward steadily in the storm.

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