How can a 15-year-old junior high school student make a profit in the cryptocurrency circle? ?

In fact, many people who enter the cryptocurrency circle first see the myth of getting rich quickly. Someone made 7 million, and someone made 10 million yuan from the contract. They think they can make money, and even if they can't make money, they can make a little money of hundreds of thousands.

But this concept has made many people happy. What should you do as a novice when you first enter an industry? For example, if you have a car, you first understand some basic functions of the driving position of the car, distinguish which is the turn signal, and the basic operations of the steering wheel. You can't drive on the road yet. You still need to spend money to sign up for a driver's license test. If you have good comprehension, you can get the license in two months and can go on the road, but you can't go on the highway. That is, you can use a little money to buy spot goods, but you can't play contracts. You can only be allowed after a year! This is the most common example in life, and it is not too much to use it in the cryptocurrency circle! If you don't understand and don't take the test when you buy a car, it will crash and even endanger your life! The same is true in the cryptocurrency circle! If you are impatient and want to make money, you will lose money if you go in! Learn to delay getting.

We also know that we need to study for four years to get a bachelor's degree and find a job with a salary of four or five thousand yuan. And this is what you have worked hard for four years, but what you get is about the same as the salary of high school graduates. Do you think it is possible to make millions or hundreds of thousands of yuan right after entering the cryptocurrency circle? It takes time to play any game about money. At present, the society does not need to settle down and can quickly get started with "gambling and games". It can bring people immediate enjoyment and get satisfaction quickly for what they pay! But it can't make money and it is extremely harmful!

The only way to make money in the cryptocurrency circle is to settle down over time. After two rounds of bull and bear markets, read more books. Read more related books. Why emphasize it three times? Because the only shortcut for us to improve our cognition is to understand the way great people make money through their books! Transform their feasible paths into our own! Instead of groping and hitting the wall by yourself, you still have to follow the path of great people in the end, because great people Buffett and Livermore have summarized their paths to make hundreds of millions and billions, and there are successful cases! Why did people in ancient times need to find a master before learning martial arts? It is because having a master lead the way will make things faster and smoother than walking on your own. This is the wisdom summed up by the ancients!