#PavelDurov #BinanceSquareFamily Pavel Durov, the co-founder and CEO of Telegram, was arrested on August 24 at Le Bourget airport near Paris by French authorities. The arrest is linked to a preliminary police investigation concerning allegations that Telegram has facilitated criminal activities due to insufficient content moderation and a lack of cooperation with law enforcement. According to a Reuters source, Durov's arrest is connected to these issues.

In response, Telegram's official X account dismissed the accusations as "absurd," denying any responsibility for the misuse of the platform. In a related statement, French President Emmanuel Macron addressed the situation on X, clarifying that Durov's arrest was not a "political decision." Macron reaffirmed France's commitment to freedom of expression while stressing that such freedoms are maintained within a legal framework designed to protect citizens.

Harsh Goenka, a well-known businessman with an active social media presence, recently posted an interesting update on X. In his post, Mr. Goenka emphasized the efficiency of Telegram's operations, noting: "Telegram, led by recently arrested founder Pavel Durov, has around 1 billion users, a $30 billion market cap, no ads, only 30 employees, and no HR (Durov manages everything himself, recruiting top talent through contests). That's what you call lean!"