🔥🔥🔥 Russia's Digital Ruble: 2024 Rollout Put on Hold 🔥🔥🔥

The Russian Central Bank has recently pumped the brakes on its plan for a nationwide digital ruble rollout in 2024. While the pilot program involving 13 banks and 11 cities continues, the bank emphasizes that activities in 2024 will be limited.

Key Takeaways:

- Nationwide rollout of the digital ruble delayed until at least 2025.

- Pilot program with 13 banks and 11 cities continues.

- Expansion of pilot program planned for 2024.

- Offline transactions targeted for 2025.

Reasons for the Delay:

The bank cites several reasons for the delay, including:

- Need for further testing and development.

- Focus on ensuring the digital ruble's security and stability.

- Integration with cross-border digital currencies.

What's Next?

- The pilot program will be expanded in 2024 to include more banks and cities.

- Offline transactions are expected to be enabled in 2025.

- Cross-border integration with the digital yuan and other digital currencies is being explored.

Impact on the Crypto Market:

The delay in the digital ruble rollout may have a dampening effect on the Russian crypto market in the short term. However, the long-term implications remain uncertain.

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