A few months ago, I made a post about my feelings on the market at that time. The crypto market was skyrocketing, and I saw people everywhere making money and being euphoric.

I made a post saying that this didn't bode well for the future, that it's rarely a good sign when the market becomes irrational like this.

The comments under my post were insulting, calling me stupid and ignorant...

It turned out that this post was made just a few days before the end of the crazy rise that cryptos were experiencing. Apparently, those people would have been better off listening to me.

The problem - and this is what I keep repeating - is that these people have no experience of a complete market cycle. They don't know how it works, and they don't know how to detect the periods when they need to reduce their market exposure and the others when they need to increase it.

ALWAYS listen to the advice of those with experience.

This post is my personal opinion.

Thank you for reading.

PS: I have good news for you, following several requests from you, I have created courses to teach you how to invest seriously and calmly in the crypto market. These are currently only available in French on this site at a very affordable price (€29): [https://pionniercrypto.gumroad.com](https://pionniercrypto.gumroad.com)

Would you be interested in courses in other languages? If so, let me know in the comments and in which language.

Livio P-V.