#MyFirstSquarePost I'm new to Binance Square and I'm looking forward to sharing and interacting with everyone here!

What is Web 3?

Web 3 is the next chapter in the history of the internet. If you think of the internet as a book, Web 1 was a simple encyclopedia where you could only read. Web 2 became an interactive book where you could not only read, but also write, comment, and share information. And Web 3 is a book that is constantly updated, where every reader can contribute, and where information is not stored in one place, but distributed across many computers.

Key Features of Web 3:

* Decentralization: Information is not stored on one server, but distributed across many computers. This makes it more secure and resistant to failures.

* Artificial Intelligence: Artificial intelligence algorithms help find information faster and more accurately.

* Blockchain: Blockchain technology ensures security and transparency of transactions.

* User Control: Users have more control over their data and can choose how it is used.