The winning formula of currency circle masters: strictly abide by market discipline, and win in steady progress with small steps

In the ever-changing currency circle, the real wise men are well versed in market rules. They do not show off their skills with technology, but keep the iron rules in mind. Faced with the ups and downs of currency prices, masters never easily predict the top and bottom, because the madness and rationality of the market are often beyond imagination. Just like Bitcoin seemed to have bottomed out from $68,000, but quickly fell below $62,000 or even $56,000, proving the truth of "no top prediction for rise, no bottom guessing for fall". In terms of trading strategy, they advocate using only a small amount of funds each time, such as one percent, to reduce the cost of trial and error and ensure the arrival of more opportunities. Masters know that they are not afraid of high prices, because the main force behind the pull-up is a huge cost. Only by holding patiently can they enjoy several times or even dozens of times the rich returns. The bull market is the key to their turnaround, just as Buffett persisted in the bear market of the US stock market and waited for the opportunity. As for technical indicators, they only use them as a reference and do not blindly follow them, because the market always takes a step ahead. Most importantly, they firmly believe that they can succeed. This belief allows them to rise from countless failures and stand firm. #新币挖矿DOGS