DOGS opened with a stunning performance, and the selling pressure was surprisingly low! There may be strong market makers behind it, or the project party may be quietly supporting the market. The turmoil of the founder of Telegram unexpectedly became a catalyst for GODS, the community cohesion soared, DWF-style feats frequently appeared, and the 500,000 US dollars TON lock-up was only the prologue. DOGS traffic was like a tide, full of vitality!

Major exchanges took advantage of DOGS, and harvested both traffic and users. TON also longed for the Meme leader DOGE to lead the trend. All the layouts were exquisite and logically self-consistent.

Digging deep into the inside story, the project party’s inventory was full, and the actual circulation was far from the 90%+ rumored by the outside world. However, in view of the aftermath of the Telegram incident, the project party may remain idle in the short term to avoid the emergence of selling pressure.

In this way, in the short term, the $DOGS market is calm, and it is a great time to enter and exit quickly and seize opportunities!

#新币挖矿DOGS #币安Web3钱包