This is a question that all American giants and wealthy companies cannot avoid, that is, which side do you stand on in the US election? In 2000, Bush Jr. faced Al Gore, and each of them received $193 million in campaign funds, while the other received $170 million or $180 million.

The result of the election that year was exactly the same as the amount of money behind it. Bush Jr. narrowly won the White House by 5 votes. Four years later, the Democratic Party replaced Bush Jr. with Kerry, and the difference in campaign funds between the two was reduced to 30 million.

However, it was this 30 million that caused Kerry to lose and Bush to be re-elected. When Obama came on stage in 2008, the funds behind him had already shown a crushing trend, and in the end his votes were exactly twice that of McCain. The same was true in 2012. Whoever had more funds would win the election and become the president of the United States.

Since the 21st century, only one person has successfully broken this record, using less campaign funds to get more votes. Who was it? Yes, who else could it be? It was Donald Trump in 2016.

At that time, the total funds behind Trump were only $400 million, while Hillary Clinton had an astonishing $760 million. But even under such a disadvantage, Trump created a miracle that year, using $400 million to attract more than 300 candidate votes and entering the White House unexpectedly. Some people would be curious, but where did the huge funds behind the election come from?

Why does an election cost so much money? Where is it spent? Who will pay for it? In fact, the answer is very simple, just like all the hot searches we have seen on the Internet this year, all the news about Trump. They are essentially a propaganda campaign, just to grab the attention of the world.

For example, TV ads, huge posters, billboards erected on the side of buildings, and frequent speeches in various cities. All these activities cost money, but who will pay for it? Will Trump pay for it himself? No way. There must be sponsorship and investment. So the US election is actually a competition of who has more money behind them and who has the bigger gift. Just like many games, the more you top up, the longer your power will last.

In this year's US election, from a funding perspective, Trump's lifespan was already very long before Biden withdrew from the race, because since entering 2024, the donations behind him have increased significantly. Even if there were no shootings or assassinations, he would still be better than Biden. And how did the advantage come from?

The two major financial backers of Trump's economy are the US manufacturing industry and the US science and technology companies. These are the main sources of Trump's radiant confidence. The most famous of them is Elon Musk, the former world's richest man. He sided with Trump from Biden's camp, the Democratic Party, and not only did he support the Communist Party for American entrepreneurs,

In addition, many well-known old entrepreneurs are also the staunch financial backers of Trump. For example, Jim Walton has donated more than 19 million US dollars to the Republican Party. This old comrade controls the company that currently ranks first in the Fortune 500 list, Walmart. The currently popular Sam's Club and Coco are also their family wealth. In addition, there are shipping companies, logistics companies, and oil tycoons, who are also the big financial backers who silently pay money behind Trump.

The purpose is also very obvious, that is, the return of manufacturing industry called by Trump is too in line with the interests. These entrepreneurs dream of making American industry great again, and the way to realize the dream is very simple, money. So this is why Trump’s campaign funds have leapt up this year, and the financiers have made efforts and frequently recharged. Of course, the Democratic Party is not a pushover either. If it really comes to money, the financiers behind them are by no means ordinary people. If the manufacturing and technology circles stand behind Trump, then behind Biden and now Harris stand the American cultural circles and the financial industry. For example, you see,

Who urged Biden to withdraw from the election and change his candidate? It was not the White House or Congress, but Hollywood, George Clooney and the heirs of Disney. The American literary and artistic circles have already made their team quite obvious. In addition to the West Coast, there are also a group of die-hard fans on Wall Street. Including JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, and Goldman Sachs, all major investment banks and financial institutions have worked hard for the Democratic Party's campaign.

So if we really compare wealth and strength, the financial backers behind Harris are no worse than the others. This is why after Biden withdrew from the race and Harris took over, they raised $200 million in a week, setting a record for the amount of money they raised. So it is not forgivable to say that whoever has more money will win. This is a rule that must be respected in the US election. Judging from the current figures, this year's US election is definitely still suspenseful, and Trump's chances of winning are not enough to set the tone in advance.

Every major American company and every wealthy person must think carefully about who to give the money to in order to maximize their profits and gain access to the president's connections. This is a multiple-choice question that could lead to bankruptcy if you make a mistake, but it is also a gamble that cannot be avoided every four years.