PANews reported on August 27 that Cyber ​​Capital founder Justin Bons posted on the X platform that Ethereum is declining and L2 is "dancing on its grave." Bons pointed out that since the implementation of EIP-4844 (Proto-Danksharding), Ethereum's fee income has dropped significantly and cannot keep up with the rate of inflation. At the same time, L2 network usage and fee income hit new highs, and lobbied to keep Ethereum's capacity low. Bons believes this constitutes a "parasitic relationship."

He said that L2 networks are actually stealing Ethereum's users and fees, attracting users by pretending to be "the same as Ethereum." Bons predicted that L2 networks will eventually migrate or become independent L1 networks, and Ethereum will gradually decline. He criticized the Ethereum leadership for "selling out" its own interests for the L2 network, believing that this exposed systemic problems in governance. Bons warned that if Ethereum breaks through the expansion of L1 in the future, it may cause the token and equity prices of all L2 networks to collapse, so L2 networks have an incentive to prevent Ethereum from expanding.