The world of cryptocurrency is fast-paced and unpredictable, making it both exciting and challenging for traders. Recently, I embarked on a project to develop a system capable of predicting Bitcoin’s price just a few minutes into the future. While the goal might sound ambitious, the journey has been incredibly educational, filled with both successes and setbacks.

The Challenge of Predicting Bitcoin’s Price

Bitcoin’s price is notoriously volatile, influenced by a wide range of factors, from macroeconomic trends to social media buzz. My aim is to predict its price one hour ahead, and while the current results show promise, there’s still room for improvement.

In my tests so far, the predictions have an average error margin of up to $500. Given Bitcoin’s current price levels, this error is less than 1%, but it’s still significant enough to make the predictions unreliable for certain trading strategies, such as buying futures. The predictions sometimes overshoot or undershoot the actual price, which highlights the complexity of forecasting in such a dynamic market.

Why 5-Minute Intervals Matter

Using 5-minutes intervals to build prediction model

One of the key decisions in this project was to focus on 5-minute intervals for price predictions. The reasoning behind this is simple: shorter intervals are more reflective of market psychology than external factors. In an hour, negative news can dramatically drop Bitcoin’s price, but within a 5-minute window, price movements are more likely driven by traders' immediate reactions and emotions rather than broader market shifts.

The Role of LSTM Models

Hours of working computer to find good settings for LSTM model

For those interested in the technical side, I’m currently working with Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models. These neural networks are particularly well-suited for time series prediction, which makes them a good fit for predicting Bitcoin’s price.

If anyone has ideas or suggestions for improvement, I’m all ears. This project is still in its testing phase, and I’m always open to learning from others in the community.

Data and Methodology

A list of data from Binance

Thanks to Binance’s API, I have access to years of real-time cryptocurrency data, which has been invaluable in training the neural network. I’ve experimented with different approaches, using both comprehensive datasets that include open, close, high, and low prices, as well as trading volume, and more simplified models that focus solely on closing prices. Interestingly, the results don’t differ as much as one might expect, suggesting that even simple models can capture key trends in the data.

Looking Ahead

Another side project: to predict The Trend

Although I haven’t yet achieved my ultimate goal—accurately determining the trend—I’m thoroughly enjoying the process of trying. The pursuit of knowledge, the challenges, and the small victories along the way make this journey worthwhile. I’m optimistic that, with further refinement, the model will become more reliable.

If you’re interested in following this project, feel free to subscribe and stay updated on the latest developments in building a neural network that could predict Bitcoin’s price.

#Cryptocurrency #Bitcoin #LSTM #PricePrediction #BinanceAPI