Telegram founder Pavel Durov encountered a legal storm in France, and his arrest shocked the world! As an iconic figure in the Russian technology community, Durov once influenced the global social media landscape with Vkontakte and Telegram. This time, the French government accused his platform of facilitating criminal activities, which triggered a strong reaction from the Russian political circles and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Russian State Duma Deputy Chairman Davankov called for the rescue of Durov, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs acted quickly, demanding a reasonable explanation from the French government. At the same time, technology giants such as Musk also joined the ranks of support. Musk has continuously posted articles satirizing the current state of freedom of speech in Europe and called for the release of Durov. Durov's fate has once again brought the regulatory challenges in the field of cryptocurrency and social media to the forefront. #新币挖矿DOGS