An even more frightening scenario emerged - BTC started a long period of oscillation near the $65,000 mark, with neither a significant breakthrough nor a deep dive, creating the illusion of "sideways stability". Given that the market generally expects that BTC will not collapse immediately, this stalemate may attract more bulls to enter the market. The main funds may take this opportunity to easily control market sentiment within a narrow range. When the public generally forms a consensus that "it will rise in the long run" and believes that $BTC has stabilized in a new support range and is ready to take off again, a silent slow decline or a cloudy decline will quietly take place, further deceiving those who expect better results. Investors who have entered the market at the right time. In the end, the market did not break through and rise as expected, but directly turned into a downward channel, once again highlighting the cunning of the main market players and the vulnerability of retail investors. All of this will be the highlight of the next drama in the currency circle, let us witness it together. #美联储何时降息?