1. Who is responsible for your investment?

In investing, you must be the one to decide, so dare to accept shortcomings and mistakes in transactions, hold coins to find solutions, then you will progress and develop.

If you are trading or holding coins successfully, remember the things that create that success and continue to develop.

The Crypto market has many opportunities for success thanks to luck. If you are in this situation, now you want to maintain that success, supplement your knowledge, study seriously, and interact with successful friends. , experienced. You should not keep your ego high and ignore good and new things because the market is constantly changing.

  1. Where to invest capital?

First, when using money to invest in the Crypto market, your money must be idle money, because this market has many great opportunities and high risks.

Sometimes it takes you quite a long time to hold coins, 1-2 years. With such a long period of time, if you use financial leverage such as borrowing, borrowing, pledging... to trade or Hold coins, you will have to pay a fixed monthly interest for a long time before you can succeed. Sometimes you are forced to sell at a loss to make a profit. Then you get into debt... Too dangerous.

The advice is that you try to work and do business outside to earn high income, then invest in the Crypto market to have the opportunity to open X investment accounts with your idle money, aiming for large assets.

  1. What would you do if you lost all the money in your account?

Investing is the shortest, most difficult path to wealth, full of temptation and loss.

And 95% of people participating in the financial market have lost money at least a few times, even losing all the money in their account.

Is there anything more painful than entering the market with the belief of getting rich quickly, changing your life, then collecting all your house money, business money, borrowing more money from banks, brothers, sisters and friends to ALLIN, so that 1-2 months later? The market slapped you to the ground and your account burned out when you bet on futures or holds at the wrong time and split 5 times, 10 times. Participating in the project, buying IDO... is a scam

Investing is an opportunity and a risk

  • If we are successful, we have more money

  • Don't let failure affect your life.

  • Use idle money to invest.

  • To use leverage, you must have a high source of income to compensate if risks occur. If you don't have a high income, don't use financial leverage.

  1. Do you have a plan for trading and buying coin holding?

Every day, spend 1-2 hours researching trading methods and coins you want to hold to better understand trading methods. Don't entrust your money and blood to anyone, including celebrities. Believing in yourself is the best.

No one can drive you chickens, because you have the right knowledge and understanding.

Always build a plan to win coins and what to do with the money, so that you know how to spend the money, but when you win the coin, the money is so vast that you don't know what to do with it, and if you don't take profit, it will all be ruined. 😆


Investment is an activity that uses current resources (such as finance, material, labor, intelligence, time…), to achieve greater profits and economic benefits in the future than in the future. resources spent.

Before investing, have knowledge and wisdom. Invest in what you know and understand.

When participating in any investment? If you don't have experience or knowledge, ask at least 5 experts and read 5 sources of information about what you are interested in. Surely you will have the most objective answer.

For example: I am interested in APT coin (Aptos), I will go to groups and ask: Can Apt invest? Is there anything good about APT? What is the reasonable price to buy? Can I hold for a long time? AE help me find out. Will definitely help. Then go to Google and read the documents yourself. Join X, Telegram to follow the project... bla bla... until you are satisfied then invest. Find out as many sources as possible.

I'll share more another day everyone, I wish you all success. Thanks for reading the article.

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