What currency is Phala Network (PHA)? Why do people say that Phala Network is an artificial intelligence router? In 2023, because the US stock market led the AI-based trend in the market, Phala Network followed the AI ​​trend at that time, and followed the concept of modularization, and built itself into the execution layer of artificial intelligence.

Phala Network is a Web3.0 shared cloud platform that aims to solve the trust problem in computing clouds. Based on the distributed computing of Secure Enclave, Phala cloud computing can achieve large-scale cloud computing processing without sacrificing data confidentiality, and the computing system is trustworthy. By separating the consensus mechanism from the computing, the processing power is ensured to be highly scalable. Unlike traditional cloud service platforms that are limited to data centers, Phala uses decentralized nodes around the world to provide secure, confidential, and edge-based cloud services. Thanks to the system architecture of trusted hardware, Phala makes an economic model based on shared computing resources possible and realizes a secure, powerful, and scalable trustless computing cloud.

Phala Network aims to achieve data confidentiality and privacy protection through trusted execution environment (TEE) technology, cloud computing services and cross-chain data confidentiality layer. At the same time, Phala Network uses artificial intelligence coprocessors to provide a secure and verifiable computing solution for integrating encryption and artificial intelligence at the application layer.

It can be simply understood that Phala Network has added an artificial intelligence coprocessor on top of the original privacy computing infrastructure, so that artificial intelligence proxy contracts can be deployed on Phala Network, and Phala Network has become the execution layer of Web3 artificial intelligence. Phala Network has protected its privacy through TEE technology. Now, top LLMs can be accessed through Phala Network's artificial intelligence proxy contract, and control comes from smart contracts written on the chain.

Phala Network is a pure artificial intelligence AI developer. It is not difficult to see from its performance on Binance in the past few days that it is inevitable to go on perpetual. It is either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Let's wait and see. #BNBChainMemeCoin $BNB $PHA