#crypto world status quo worrisome faith foundation may be shaken

Taking LDO as an example, three years ago its price and Market Cap were still reasonable, but now, although the price has not changed, the Market Cap has experienced a big pump to 1.7 billion, showing clear signs of a bubble. The new coin DOGS has a Market Cap of 6 billion as soon as it goes online, and AltCoinLiquidity is drying up, with funds being excessively drained away. The market is filled with the hype of "king-level" projects, but in reality, many are just financial schemes, and investors can hardly escape the fate of being played for .

The crime cost in the crypto world is low. As long as there is money, one can settle in a large exchange. The quality of projects varies, and the safety of investors' funds is worrying. The number of cryptocurrencies is increasing, and the funds are constantly being diluted, and the survival environment for retail investors is deteriorating. Since last year, the number of cryptocurrencies that can truly withstand market fluctuations and achieve value rise is very limited.

Therefore, for the current situation in the crypto world, we should remain highly vigilant, analytically analyze market trends, and avoid blindly following the crowd. At the same time, we call for strengthening regulatory measures, raising market entry barriers, and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors. In such an environment, retail investors should be more cautious and not risk all their assets on high-risk investments.