PANews reported on August 27 that the Economic Daily published an article today titled "Preventing Virtual Assets from Becoming Money Laundering Tools". The article stated that at present, new technologies and new formats such as virtual assets are constantly being updated and iterated, showing a state of superposition with traditional upstream crimes such as telecommunications network fraud, online gambling, and underground banks. In order to cover up and conceal money laundering, criminals continue to innovate their methods and hide money laundering activities in online transactions. Among them, virtual currency, game currency, "running point platform", live broadcast rewards, etc. have become new money laundering carriers and methods, with characteristics such as networking and chaining, and are highly concealed and confusing. After the legal network is tight, it must be strictly enforced. To punish money laundering crimes in accordance with the law, all parties need to strengthen cooperation and coordination to form a joint force to combat. Public security, procuratorial, judicial and financial regulatory departments should strengthen coordination and cooperation, and continuously improve the law enforcement and judicial cooperation mechanism. The general public should be vigilant, recognize the nature of new money laundering crimes, and never fall into the money laundering trap for petty gains.

Earlier on August 19, it was reported that the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly issued the "Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases of Money Laundering", which listed "virtual asset" transactions as one of the methods of money laundering.