Revelation of the bull-bear cycle: the market philosophy behind the behavior patterns of retail investors! Whenever the cryptocurrency circle ushers in a critical moment of bull-bear conversion, the behavior of retail investors can always reflect the emotional fluctuations of the market. From the rush to chase highs to the panic selling, retail investors often make irrational investment decisions driven by market sentiment. Historical experience tells us that the frenzy at the peak of the bull market and the despair at the bottom of the bear market are often the two extremes of market sentiment. Faced with the uncertainty of the current market, the younger generation of investors such as those born after 2000 choose to wait and see conservatively, while senior investors show a higher risk tolerance and dare to take action when the market is sluggish. This makes people think that the real investment opportunities may be hidden at the moment when most people fear. For investors, only by cultivating independent thinking ability and risk management awareness can they seize their own "windfall" in the turbulent cryptocurrency circle. #美联储何时降息?