Dogs is a meme coin released on Telegram in July 2024. It is inspired by Spotty, the mascot created by Pavel Durov, the founder of VK (Vkontakte), Russia’s largest social media platform. Spotty originated as a doodle during a charity auction to support orphanages and quickly became a coin associated with the VK platform. Over time, Spotty has appeared in various forms, including stickers on Telegram and at the VK Festival. DOGS aims to expand Spotty’s presence in the crypto space. Dogs stands out as a meme coin native to Telegram designed to align with the culture and preferences of the Telegram community. Within 24 hours of its launch, the Dogs channel on Telegram gained over 1.9 million subscribers, indicating significant initial interest and engagement from users. The coin’s slogan is, “Who let the dogs loose? Reminiscent of the famous song by the singer Baha Men, it adds a distinct and fun element to its identity

Is the new DOGS coin a good investment

As with any meme coin, investing in DOGS involves significant risk and requires careful consideration. The rapid growth of the coin’s Telegram channel indicates significant initial interest and a strong community presence. However, meme coins are known for their high volatility and speculative nature. However, the absence of traditional elements such as a roadmap, website, or whitepaper ..