ETH BTC latest market analysis for this week on August 26th is coming, layout in advance, the general direction is strongly bearish tonight!

This week starts a new market, Bitcoin and Ethereum are strongly bearish tonight. There is no news this week, only the unemployment benefits will be announced on Thursday, so you can focus on technical indicators.

ETH trend chart is shown in Figure 1: From the figure, you can see that the trend chart is clear at a glance. The general direction is that the two trend lines of bearish are constantly moving downward. When they touch the upper trend line, they will pull back downward. At present, they have not reached the lower trend line. Therefore, according to the trend chart, it is best to short near the upper intersection, which is just near the pressure of 2748 Ethereum.

ETH technical indicators for 4 hours, as shown in Figure 2: MACD is strongly bearish in the bottom back structure, which is also an oversold signal. The two important indicators KDJ and OBV are also uniformly bearish. The 4-hour general direction technical indicators are uniformly bearish. Combined with the trend chart, it will fall a lot tonight. After the support level of Ethereum below 2667 is broken, look at 2640. So hurry up and do high altitude. Those who like to do Bitcoin can also leave a message in the comment area.

ETH evening strategy: short around 2730-2740, target around 2650, downward pin to around 2617. Detailed guidance is in order.