PANews reported on August 26 that according to, Hunan police recently announced a case of renting mobile phone numbers and WeChat accounts to overseas fraud gangs for fraud. At the beginning of this month, the case was closed and a total of 62 suspects were arrested, involving 18 provinces and 86 cities, with a total amount of more than 4 million yuan involved.

In August 2023, based on the "two-card" crime clues pushed by the Ministry of Public Security, the Linwu County Public Security Bureau found that someone in the jurisdiction used the mobile phone port to commit telecommunications network fraud. The Linwu police quickly set up a special task force to launch a comprehensive investigation. After learning that the suspect Zhou and others were committing telecommunications network fraud, the police set up controls in the suspects' densely populated areas and arrested 5 criminal suspects. It was initially found that since July 2023, the suspect Zhou and others have purchased and rented multiple phone cards from others, set up simple mobile phone networks in their homes, and helped overseas fraudsters make fraudulent calls to commit fraud. Renting mobile phone numbers to overseas fraud gangs is also known as "mobile phone port" fraud, and renting WeChat is also known as "PC terminal" fraud.

The police from the task force said that we extracted some lists from the suspects' computers, which recorded in detail the contact information of the number dealers, the QQ number used to commit the crime, the time of the crime, and the method of transaction. They settled the accounts through the virtual currency u. By expanding the line and digging deeper, the task force found that the Alipay account of the suspect Xia and others paid the mobile phone number and WeChat account rental to many number dealers, involving 18 provinces across the country, and linked to more than 100 criminal suspects.