Sanma Ge's predictions for BTC and ETH since 2020: 5万U投票,兄弟还有3天了,冲刺


When everyone was rushing to $100,000 at $69,000, I reminded you to escape from the double top, and then it became a big top, falling by -180%. √


At $28,500, I reminded you of the double bottom, and then it rose to $69,000 again, up 242%. √


When it was $18,000 to $20,000, I publicly let you buy the bottom and invest according to the five-sided rule (original), and then BTC's spot ETF rose to $73,500 after listing. Up 264%. √


When everyone was panicking at $38,600, I gave you the emotional value and clearly told you that it would rebound to 43,000~44,000, and the goal could be achieved. √


When it was $73,500, I reminded you to turn around and clear the spot, and then it became the current top. √


On August 5 this year, I reminded everyone to buy the bottom of ETH at 2200 with your eyes closed, and then it rose to the target of 2800, an increase of 600 points.



If you pay attention, you can find records of these on my plane or other platforms, otherwise how could there be so many likes.


The last week of August was difficult, but we also made strategies in waves, and the decline and pullback gave you the opportunity to get on board.


Because there is one last big thing, the speculation expectation of BTC's interest rate cut in September, these are all major nodes we need to seize and opportunities to get rich.