Explore short and medium term DOGS price prediction analysis and check long term DOGS forecast for 2025, 2030 and beyond.

According to my current DOGS price prediction, DOGS price is predicted to increase by 228.05% and reach $0.007002 by September 25, 2024. According to my technical indicators, the current sentiment is Bearish while the Fear & Greed Index is showing 55 (Greed). DOGS has recorded 5/7 (71%) green days with price movement in the last 30 days. Based on the DOGS forecast, now is a bad time to buy DOGS.

Based on the historical price movement of DOGS and the currency halving cycle, the DOGS price prediction for 2025 is estimated to be $0.002134 per year. Meanwhile, the DOGS price is predicted to reach a high of $0.010086 next year. Using the same basis, here is the DOGS price prediction for each year up to 2030.

DOGS Price Prediction 2025

DOGS price prediction for 2025 currently ranges from $0.002134 at the low to $0.010086 at the high. Compared to the current price, DOGS could increase by 372.57% in 2025 if DOGS reaches the above price target.

Dog Price Prediction 2030

DOGS price prediction for 2030 currently ranges from $0.005381 at the low to $0.008725 at the high. Compared to the current price, DOGS could increase by 308.82% by 2030 if the above price target is achieved.

DOGS Price Forecast Based on Technical Analysis

Popular DOGS Moving Averages and Oscillators for Monday, August 26, 2024

Moving averages (MAs) are a popular indicator across financial markets, designed to smooth out price action over a given period of time. They are a lagging indicator, meaning they are influenced by past price action. In the table below, you can find two types of moving averages, the simple moving average (SMA) and the exponential moving average (EMA).

DOGS Main Price Level

Based on today's classic pivot point (P1) with a value of $0.00205, DOGS has support levels at $0.001864, $0.001593 and the strongest at $0.001407. Similarly, DOGS's resistance levels are $0.002321, $0.002507 and $0.002778.

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