The financial world as we know it is on the brink of a seismic shift. Commercial banks, once the pillars of our economy, are facing their endgame. As AI and advanced technologies take over, the necessity for these institutions is fading fast. What does the future hold? A world where only central banks manage our financial systems, and commercial banks vanish into history.

Imagine this: Central banks, already powerhouses of economic influence, becoming the sole operators of a nation’s finances. The global financial environment could become more stable and standardized, much like the petro-dollar agreements that control international oil markets. Even war-torn regions like Russia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Yemen could be swept into this unified global strategy, creating an unprecedented level of financial cohesion.

But that’s not all—AI is wiping out traditional jobs, and new ways to earn are on the horizon. Picture this: Governments or central banks launching games where you set your hourly earnings through gameplay and investments. It might sound like science fiction, but with the rise of digital economies, it’s closer than you think.

And let’s not forget the private sector. With vast gold reserves, they could issue stablecoins valued higher than the dollar, forming agreements with central banks to keep these currencies stable. These stablecoins could be used as rewards in these games, allowing people to determine their income and escape the shackles of dollar-based inflation.

On a grander scale, this could lead to a financial revolution. The monopoly of corrupt commercial banks would crumble, freeing us from the exploitation of traditional currencies. Poverty could become a thing of the past, as the floodgates of private financial institutions open up new opportunities for wealth and equality.

Are we on the cusp of a new financial era? Share your thoughts below and stay tuned as this thrilling transformation unfolds!