One Pi coin is worth $200,000. Pi is the next Bitcoin. This is what an ordinary Dutch woman told me. She doesn’t even know what blockchain is, but she firmly believes that Pi is not a scam. Hello everyone, today I will reveal the Pi scam and their operating model to help you break this dream.


Let's first talk about what Picoin is. Picoin is called Pi Network in English. Its two founders say it is a new type of digital currency. Its model is also very simple. You just need to download their APP and simply operate the mining by clicking. Click a button every day to get the so-called computing power. If you think the computing power is too low, you can also speed it up by inviting friends.


Do you think it is very similar to a certain domestic e-commerce software? Yes, it is a copy of Duoduo's Kanyidao. Why am I so sure? If I keep it a secret, you can really get a few cents from Duoduo Kanyidao, but Picoin mining will only give you a pie in the sky.


How does it use a piece of cake to repeatedly brainwash middle-aged and elderly users around the world? The principle is very simple, because it is free. Many people here have a misunderstanding, that is, they regard Pi Coin as a blockchain, which is wrong. It is not a virtual currency from the beginning to the end, or the current profit model is not a virtual currency.


Its main profit model is CPA advertising, that is, a user watches an ad on the Picoin APP to make a profit. Don't underestimate the advertising fee, one ad is equivalent to about $0.005 after the video is played, don't you think it's very little?


Then let me tell you, the number of Pi users in China is as high as 5 million. 5 million times 0.005 is 180,000 RMB. Every day when you open your eyes, you will get 180,000 RMB, and there is no risk at all. If I were the founder, I would definitely do the same. You can only make a few bucks by cutting the leeks of the blockchain, and the risk is so great. This kind of stable high income just by exchanging pie for others every day is so comfortable.


Let's go back to the topic we left in suspense. Why do I say that Picoin copied the model of Duoduokanyidao? Because a few days ago, my friend's company hired an engineer who was previously an operations engineer at Picoin. His resume stated that the profit model of his project was inspired by Duoduokanyidao.


The reason is very simple, because the Picoin project did not imagine that the tone set by the blockchain was fake promotion from the beginning. After increasing the number of users to a certain level, CPA advertising was introduced to achieve the purpose of profit. Domestic e-commerce users should have a deep understanding of this promotion model.


This model is free, which means you don’t lose much by watching ads every day. Why do I want to reveal it? Because many scammers and promoters have seen that this is a bubble, and it has become a scam by changing the track. If I search for keywords directly on the browser, we will see a lot of so-called Picoin bank cards and a bunch of so-called Picoin mining-specific mobile phones.


This is actually a scam using the name of Pi Coin. The logic is very simple, it is a scam. As we said before, the main profit model of Pi Coin is to let users watch ads, nothing else. So why are there so many Pi bank cards and Pi mining phones in China?


The reason is very simple, it is to cheat people out of money. Because these people were the promotion ambassadors of Picoin in the early stage, and they were promised big money for several years. Now they have realized that they still have so many people under them, but they can't cash in a dime. So they might as well sell them some cyber health products to make some money back.


This is why the old lady asked for help at the beginning. She bought a so-called Picoin bank card and a mining mobile phone for 10,000 yuan, but the person who sold her the bank card and mobile phone ran away. The so-called Picoin bank card is a printed PVC card. The price is 40 yuan for 100 cards. The mobile phone is even more abstract. It is a pirated Huaqiangbei machine with a modified boot animation and an APP installed. The price does not exceed 300.


So finally I would like to remind everyone that Picoin is a cyber scam to trick people into watching ads, so there is no derivative product of Picoin. If you have this time, you might as well water the fruit trees. You can have a box of pears in a few months. Okay, I'm kidding. That's all for this issue. If you think it helps, please support me by clicking three times and follow me. I will continue to update and expose the scam. See you next time.