The bull market is back, and Bitcoin is holding steady at 64K, but rational analysis is the only way!

The weekend heat has not yet dissipated, and the price of Bitcoin has firmly stood on the high ground of 64,000 US dollars. For a time, cheers of "Bulls are back quickly" came one after another. However, in this craze, we need a calm mind and deep insight.

Analyzing the market is not a simple news pile-up and slogan shouting. It requires us to dig deep into the logic behind the data, carefully comb through every subtle change in the market, and finally draw a conclusion that can withstand scrutiny. Unfortunately, many voices seem to be blindly following the trend, lacking the necessary logical support and analysis process. It is undoubtedly rash and irresponsible to try to lead the market trend with just one sentence "Bulls are back".

I, on the other hand, maintain a more cautious attitude. When the market is filled with the shouting of KOLs (key opinion leaders), I will choose to remain vigilant, because I know that real opportunities are often hidden outside the hustle and bustle of the market. On the contrary, when the market is silent, the voice of KOL gradually fades, and the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index slides into the abyss of fear, that may be the best time to layout.

Today, the Bitcoin Fear and Greed Index is firmly at 55, an unbiased neutral position. This not only means that the market is at a crossroads of direction selection, but also reminds us that every decision at this moment must be made with great caution. In this context, we should stick to our investment strategy, not be swayed by short-term market fluctuations, and look at every investment opportunity with a rational eye.

In short, the call of the bull market is tempting, but rational analysis and prudent attitude are our compass to cross the market storms. Let us stay awake in the complex information and capture our own wealth opportunities with wisdom and courage!

#杰克逊霍尔年会 #新币挖矿DOGS