Telegram CEO Pavel Durov Reveals US Security Agencies' Pressure
In a recent interview with Tucker Carlson, Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, disclosed that US security agencies, including the FBI, have been attempting to exert pressure on the messaging app to compromise its encryption and privacy features.
Key points:
- Durov shared an incident where US agents tried to recruit a Telegram engineer to gain access to the app's open-source libraries.
- He described personal encounters with FBI agents at airports, who sought to pressure Telegram into implementing compromised tools for easier surveillance.
- Durov emphasized that the goal of these efforts was to establish control over the app and its robust encryption features.
- The implications of Durov's arrest could be significant, potentially setting a precedent for government interactions with tech companies prioritizing user privacy.
Watch the full interview on Tucker Carlson's website or YouTube for more details.