PANews reported on August 26 that CoinDesk columnist Benjamin Schiller wrote that Argentina is now on the verge of a technological renaissance. Argentina has long been a symbol of economic instability, but now it is becoming a testing ground for global economic transformation through cryptocurrency. Against the backdrop of soaring inflation and debt pressure, Argentina is using cryptocurrency as a tool to stabilize the economy and drive growth. As the United States retreats from its leadership in the cryptocurrency field, Argentina is seizing the opportunity to fill the gap. At the heart of this transformation is the "Crecimiento" movement, which unites cryptocurrency believers, entrepreneurs and innovators to promote sustainable, cryptocurrency-powered reforms. The newly elected president has shown interest in the potential of cryptocurrency, and the "Crecimiento" movement is using cryptocurrency to help reshape the economy, focusing on payment, credit, real estate and other areas.

The grand vision of the “Crecimiento” movement is becoming a reality at Aleph, a month-long temporary city in Buenos Aires. More than 2,000 Argentine and global founders, builders, investors, and policy leaders are gathering here to launch crypto startups and drive innovation. This bottom-up crypto adoption, coupled with the government’s desire for financial innovation, means Argentina is poised to be a pioneer in the new frontier of crypto.

Throughout August, more than 300 talks, events, hackathons and meetups are taking place, all focused on advancing cryptocurrency solutions and innovation. Aleph is home to 67 startups ranging from pre-seed to Series A, carefully selected by the Growth movement to solve Argentina’s most pressing challenges. These projects range from putting home leases and RWAs (Registered Real Estate Appraisers) on-chain, tokenizing financial receivables, and creating new interest-bearing stablecoins.