Recently, we witnessed a significant event: Pavel Durov, the CEO of Telegram, was arrested in France and is facing up to 20 years in prison. This event caused panic in the market, leading to a sharp drop in the price of $TON
However, soon after this news broke, many "experts" on social media began urging people to buy TON, claiming: "Buy TON now and wait for a major recovery!" But for less experienced investors, this could be a dangerous FOMO trap.
These calls might just be a way for those who haven't managed to exit the market after Pavel Durov's arrest to create liquidity for themselves. In other words, they want you to "put your money in" to support the market, but in reality, it’s to help them minimize their losses.
### My Advice
1. Stay on the Sidelines and Observe: Sometimes, not participating is the smartest choice. Whether TON goes up or down, keeping calm and watching from the sidelines will help you avoid unnecessary risks.
2. Careful Shorting Strategy: If you really want to participate in the market, consider placing a short order. As I did, I decided to short with 15-20% of my assets, using leverage of x15-x20. This is a safer strategy than going "all-in" and helps me avoid liquidation even if the market is volatile. As a result, I’ve achieved profits of 50-100% on each trade.
# What Do You Think?
The market always carries risks, and no one can predict exactly what will happen. But what’s important is to stay clear-headed and not get swept up by blind calls from self-proclaimed "experts." Instead of following the crowd in FOMO, make decisions based on careful analysis and a sound strategy.
What do you think about the current situation? Should we continue to observe, or act on our own strategies?