As of August 20, 2024, the total supply of $DOGS is 550,000,000,000 and the circulating supply upon listing will be 516,750,000,000 (93.95% of the total token supply).

Because it will be listed on Binance today, August 26, 2024 at 12:00 (UTC).

Based on its tokenomics, here is our prediction:

1. The price at the first minute of launch will be around $0.001 per DOGS as the highest and then there will be a correction.

2. As we can see, the liquidity is around 5.45%, if we think that this liquidity is provided to LPs at Dex and CEX, it is much higher than many normal projects. That is good for price stability.

3. As we can see here, the community airdrop is 72.73% and Marketing is 9.18%, if the team does it based on this then it is good, but these two can also often be manipulated by the team so they can use it to drain liquidity from the market.

According to tokenomics, we can predict according to the following diagram:

1. The first launch is the highest launch first, so we can think about selling our airdrop.

2. If the futures market is also listed on the day, we should look for the price to rise and then short sell if you dare but see the funding rate is too big, such as 2% or more, forget it. Because if the funding rate is 2% every 4 hours, you have to pay 12% in a day, too much and risky. Don't forget to set SL and Margin Rate not greater than 5% or you will be liquidated.

3. There is a high chance that it will have a big correction in a few days or weeks. Then we should look for the lowest point to buy before it goes up again.

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