Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France. He may face charges including terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud and money laundering. French journalists said Durov faces up to 20 years in prison in France.


You know, Pavel Durov has long been a fugitive in various countries...

I don't know how many gold coins I need to get bail without being punished. This case is more complicated and serious than CZ's. Bail is only a temporary measure before trial, which allows the suspect to not be detained while waiting for trial, but it does not mean that he can be exempted from punishment.

After the arrest of TG’s founder, TON’s TVL plummeted, with most of the investors being institutions seeking emergency risk aversion.


In addition, the current coin price has plummeted from 6.8 to 5.7. If it continues to fall, it will get closer and closer to the official over-the-counter coin price this year.

At present, most people take the over-the-counter price of 3.7 - 4.3 with lock-up, which is basically locked for about 4 years and unlocked linearly in the second year. If this continues, a lot of family members will be trapped.

Many friends asked Qingtian, this wave$TON Is it possible to buy at the bottom when the price drops so sharply?

The following are my personal opinions:

First of all, the market value of Ton is actually very high, and it has already ranked among the top few in CRYPTO market value. In terms of K-line, the volume of this negative column is very large, and the decline is quite deep and straight. It will go down again after a pullback. If nothing unexpected happens, US capital should have shorted Ton long ago, and the release of news is a later matter, and the news transmission.


Looking back at the various altcoins that have been sued by the SEC, the historical trends of $BNB and $XRP after CZ was detained, they have been in a long period of weak market after a rebound, and some even fell below the price after the news came out. Now the price of TON is not the real bottom, of course, there is no problem in taking the lead position.

The ideal price for a sunny day is around 4U. Most people are optimistic about bottom fishing at the strong support above 5U. Once most people have bottomed out, it will be easy for the price to fall and go through the adjustment cycle, trapping those who are above 5U.

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I am Qingtian, an old leeks who sincerely wish you to become rich!