PANews reported on August 26 that the Telegram channel "The DeFiant Ones" opened by Donald Trump Jr. for a new crypto project has been renamed World Liberty Financial, and has just issued an announcement: "Donald Trump Jr. announced: Ladies and Gentlemen, we all know how banks and financial institutions manipulate the system against ordinary Americans. They exclude people, refuse to provide loans, drown people in cumbersome documents, and squeeze them with legal and processing fees. Our whole family has experienced this firsthand... We have been abandoned by banks, blocked by platforms, and suffered all imaginable political games. These banks and the elites who control them want absolute control, but now all this will end. We are making finance great again by giving power back to you. This new decentralized financial (DeFi) platform will eliminate corrupt, expensive and inefficient middlemen. No more bureaucrats will decide your fate. It's time to modernize this unfair and outdated system so that everyone has the same opportunities that the elites have been hoarding. Join us and let us make finance serve the people again."