1. Don’t rush to make money when you first enter the circle, learn quickly: After entering the cryptocurrency circle, you must first be familiar with the operation of the exchange, understand the basic concepts of blockchain and asset security measures. Don’t rush to make money, lay a solid foundation first.

2. Try more, practice more, and ask less questions: There are all kinds of opinions in the currency circle, many of which are contradictory. Practice more, experience and learn by yourself, and don't rely too much on the opinions of others, because there are many scammers, so you must stay sober.

3. The circle is very important: A high-quality circle can help you see the true situation of the cryptocurrency circle. Avoid wasting time in low-quality group chats and find a circle that can provide valuable information.

4. Investment is your own business: The final investment decision must be made by you. Other people's analysis can only be used as a reference. You need to establish your own investment framework and make decisions based on it.

5. Choose an investment method that suits you: coin hoarding, short-term, contracts, NFT, etc. all have different risks and benefits. Choose a method that suits you. Don't follow the trend and do unfamiliar projects.

6. 100x coins are not easy to get: Don’t look for 100x coins with the mentality of getting rich overnight. Real opportunities require in-depth research and understanding, and immature mentality makes it easy to be fooled.

7. Patience is the basis of making money: Learning and growing in the cryptocurrency world is a long process. You may experience many failures and be deceived, but these are all valuable experiences.

8. Abide by the basic rules of the cryptocurrency circle: accept the reality of losses and being cheated, do not complain, do not blame. Only by mastering the rules can you gain a foothold in the market.

9. Learn and practice at the same time: Learn theory while practicing, and accumulate experience by participating in various projects. Outputting content and communicating with others is also an effective way to learn.

10. Study hard and you will always become a big shot: Focus on improving yourself and don’t care whether others are successful. As long as you study hard and keep making progress, you can grow in the cryptocurrency circle.

Summary: Constantly review and summarize to avoid falling in the same place a second time, so that you can grow quickly.

If you are interested in these suggestions, you can try out the precise strategies for free and follow along to experience them in action.

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Pay attention~Hey Xin (check the top) Bull market strategy layout, I will continue to share various codes! Take you on board!!