Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev severely criticized Telegram founder Durov's decision to flee, saying that he underestimated the importance of global security cooperation.

Medvedev pointed out in reviewing his conversation with Durov that Durov had dreamed of becoming a "world citizen" not bound by any country, but this ideal was particularly fragile in the face of reality. Medvedev emphasized that as a Russian, Durov was inevitably labeled "unpredictable" and "dangerous" internationally, which stemmed from the complexity and uncertainty brought about by his nationality. He further warned that no matter where you are, evading cooperation with the security departments of your country will lead to inevitable difficulties. As deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council, Medvedev made it clear that individuals cannot escape their roots and sources, and life above the country is just an unrealistic fantasy. #新币挖矿DOGS