In the current crypto industry, the massive influx of new ideas, the continuous emergence of start-ups, and the continued expansion of the user base strongly highlight that the crypto industry has ushered in a new era full of innovation and opportunities.

At a time when the industry is hot, mainstream currencies are temporarily silent, and meme coins with short cycles and huge potential are increasingly favored by many retail investors. The wealth myths of pepe, DOGE, and bome have been staged one after another, making the meme market full of vitality. There is a saying in the industry: "Value investment is nothing, all in meme lives in the palace", whoever can seize the value of MEME in the first place can quickly reap rich returns.


How to accurately judge the potential of hot spots and how to quickly discover valuable targets are the keys to meme investment. These are exactly the areas where the big guys are good at. They have rich industry experience, the most cutting-edge information and unique investment strategies. The funds that these big guys use efficiently and wisely are called "smart money."

SVT uses AI technology to analyze and screen, accurately find "smart money" and follow orders. This can help users detect opportunities on the chain at the first time and invest in potential profitable targets!

As the world's first AI-based commercial "smart money copy trading tool", SVT has attracted the attention of more than 100,000 users worldwide since its launch, thanks to its absolute advantages: multi-chain asset management; AI smart money copy trading and new coin sniping; multi-dimensional analysis of smart money's trading strategies and profit data; and the construction of a fully diversified ecosystem of Swap, custody arbitrage, and lending.

Driven by AI, the SVT smart wallet can intelligently analyze top trading strategies, parse every move of "smart money" from multiple dimensions, achieve millisecond-level copy trading response, help users quickly capture wealth opportunities from on-chain transactions, and bring a new experience of hunting for gold with hundreds of times the MEME coins on the chain, realizing automatic multiplication of wealth.

It started as a wallet, but it is more than just a wallet; it specializes in transactions, but it is not limited to transactions. Based on intelligence, it leads the WEB3 track.

SVT Smart Wallet——Leading a new era of AI smart transactions.