It is becoming increasingly apparent that the West is losing control of the principles it once stood for. Freedom of speech is under siege not only where you'd expect, but right here in what we call the "free world." France and England, are you now arresting people for speaking out? What's next, thought crimes?

It's a slippery slope, folks. When you start arresting founders and citizens for not toeing the government's line on content moderation, you're not far from a full-blown censorship regime. The idea of ​​a free speech messaging app is to let ideas flow, not to control thoughts.

If we are not careful, we will wake up in a world where every word is monitored, every post is guarded.

Let us not imitate the very regimes we criticize. Freedom of speech is not just a nice-to-have; it is the basis of democracy. If we lose it, what will be left?#FREEDUROV