📱 Elon Musk compares defending free speech to the Kobayashi Maru test

🔔 According to BlockBeats, on August 25, Elon Musk posted on his X platform, saying that defending free speech is increasingly looking like facing a 'Kobayashi Maru' scenario. BlockBeats explains that the "Kobayashi Maru" test is a famous scene from the movie "Star Trek," where every potential commander must undergo this simulated command test.

It's simply an impossible task, with the system set up in such a way that any action would result in failure. Cadet Kirk believed the setup was unreasonable and did not accept that there could be an unsolvable situation. He secretly modified the program and became the only person to pass the test by cheating. However, he eventually understood the purpose of the test: the test of the "Kobayashi Maru" is not about defeating the enemy, but about assessing a commander's ability to remain brave, calm, and lead his crew in the face of certain defeat.

The test serves as a learning experience, giving commanders the experience of facing unsolvable dilemmas, thus reducing the sense of uncontrolled chaos when faced with real-life crises and allowing them to handle such situations with composure and minimize losses.

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