⚠️The happy weekend is coming to an end soon! It's time to go back to life and work as a cow and horse again!!!

Bitcoin stood at 65,000, Ethereum stood at 2819.35, what should we do next? Will it fall or rise? Next week is the highlight. Fed Chairman Powell has already spoken out! Those dog dealers must have something bad to say. With this big news, the dog dealers can't calm the market so easily. Let's wait and see the performance next week! Let's uncover the veil of the dog dealers together!!

Analyzing from the current market situation, the impact of interest rate cuts on the market is multifaceted and interacts with multiple factors.

On the one hand, the Fed's interest rate cut expectations may bring some positive effects to the market, because interest rate cuts usually lead to increased liquidity, which may drive investors to seek assets with higher returns, including cryptocurrencies. However, the market's expectations for interest rate cuts have been digested to a certain extent, so the impact of actual interest rate cuts on the market may be weakened.

On the other hand, the cryptocurrency market itself has a unique operating logic and cycle. For example, the Bitcoin halving event has a significant impact on its price. The Bitcoin halving expected in May 2024 may reduce the rate at which new Bitcoins are mined, which historically has usually led to price increases. At the same time, the performance of Ethereum, the leader of altcoins, is also worth paying attention to. They may attract funds in a bull market, especially when their issuance volume is large and the unit price is low.

See the results on Monday, and continue to follow Lao Liu to share personal views and strategies for you every day. #杰克逊霍尔年会 #美联储何时降息? $BTC $ETH