Most people think they can go to bed and wake up a billionaire.

But it doesn’t work that way. If you believe that investing in a coin on launch day will make you 10,000% overnight, you’re dreaming.

The truth is, 90% of you have lost money chasing that fantasy, then blame crypto or the stock market.

The real problem is taking stupid risks. When I was a software engineer, my approach was always realistic. While others were promising too many quick wins, I was honest about the complexity of projects.

I may not have impressed my boss with my big promises, but my work

was consistently approved without revision, unlike my colleagues who needed a year to finish a “two-day” project.

As an entrepreneur, I never claimed to be 100x anyone’s money.

Instead, I focused on the real future needs of the blockchain industry. My simple approach helped us raise over $92 million in our first round.

The lesson? Say no to overpromising and over-the-top dreams. Focus on real, sustainable growth.