Coin Circle Yuelin 8.25 Sunday, Bitcoin, Ethereum afternoon strategy!

Dear friends in the coin circle, good afternoon, I am your lucky goddess Yuelin. Since the sharp rise in the early morning of Friday, the price has stabilized at a high of 63500-64500. The gains this week are still very ideal. All Silu is suggesting to be bullish and do more, and Hang Qing is also very cooperative and has been more and more happy.

Today, the market volatility is relatively not too large, and the short-term rhythm of the market is still in a volatile rhythm. , The strength of the market decline is not obvious, and the moving average is still extending upward, so Yuelin still maintains an optimistic view on the bulls' efforts in operation.

From the technical structure, the MACD fast and slow lines are both negative and gradually convergent, and the RSI has not yet entered the overbought or oversold area, indicating that the market is in a neutral state. The EMA is in a bullish arrangement, and the short-term trend is upward, but it is necessary to pay attention to whether EMA7 will fall below the support and turn into pressure.

Sunday afternoon operation strategy:

BTC: 63500-64500, looking at 65500-66000

ETH: 2720-2750, looking at 2830-2800

On the road of the currency circle, it is particularly important to choose a teacher who walks with you all the way. I can't give you too much warmth, but there is a word called doing my best.

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