Everyone doesn’t care about security… until it's too late 🤷‍♂️

On Starknet, numerous security measures are in place to protect our users.

✅ Limited Approval: Authorizes dApps to use only what the user needs to execute a transaction, not a penny more. If you see unlimited approvals on Starknet, don’t hesitate to contact a StarkWare team member or the Foundation

✅ 2FA and 3FA Features: Offered by Starknet native wallets Argent and Braavos, with Ledger integration available.

✅ Daily Spending Limit: A feature offered by Braavos.

✅ Real Time Fraud detection: the ability of Starknet native wallets to identify suspicious behaviors or patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity (even with this, it's important to be careful about your on-chain activities)

✅Social Recovery by Argent: allows you to regain access to your wallet without the need for a seed phrase: meaning you won’t be rekt anymore in case you lost your seed phrase.

And not to mention that Validity Rollups (what Starknet is) are objectively more secure than Optimistic Rollups… Mathematics > Incentives! 🧑‍🔬

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