In recent Time, rumors have been circulating across social media platforms suggesting that Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, was arrested at a French airport. However, these reports have been confirmed as fake news. Official sources have debunked this misinformation, clarifying that no such incident involving Durov has occurred.

Pavel Durov, known for his pioneering role in the creation of Telegram and his commitment to privacy and free speech, has become a target for various unfounded rumors over the years. The latest false report of his supposed arrest created a brief stir but was swiftly dismissed. Durov himself or his team has yet to make an official statement on the matter, likely viewing it as yet another attempt to spread baseless gossip.

In related news, **Toncoin (TON)**, the cryptocurrency associated with the Telegram ecosystem, continues to rise, reaching a remarkable value of **$9.50 USDT**. The upward trend in Toncoin’s price is likely attributed to increasing interest in blockchain technologies and the ongoing development of decentralized applications within the Telegram ecosystem.

Despite the fake reports of Durov's arrest, the focus remains on the innovative products and services under his leadership, with Telegram's user base continuing to grow and its associated projects, such as Toncoin, thriving in the digital economy.

In conclusion, the rumors surrounding Pavel Durov’s arrest are entirely false, and the tech mogul continues to lead Telegram and its expanding ventures without disruption. Meanwhile, Toncoin’s performance signals promising times ahead for the cryptocurrency space.