The most frustrating thing these two days is JUP, the altcoin with the heaviest position. At that time, the Binance-related tokens all rose well, and the sentiment of low-market-cap fully circulated tokens was very fomo. I was itching to switch back after chasing the hot spots in the band. I manually sold the JUP that I had held for a long time to chase pivx. After buying it, I put a stop-loss order at the original price. The next day, the overall currency circle rose, but pivx hit the stop loss, and JUP rose more than 10 points... Maybe manual trading is like this. No matter whether it is profitable or loss, you will be unhappy. Although JUP is profitable overall, the final result is not ideal. After all, I only made less than one point of profit after half a month of bottom-fishing. Maybe this is the face of all living beings. I thought I had a talent for trading, but in the end I was just a little clever. #jup大漲 $JUP #新币挖矿DOGS