Odaily Planet Daily News Jupiter Lianchuang Meow posted on X about "Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested": "Finance is power. Today's blatant arrest of Pavel clearly shows who has this power. This is a warning to all other protocol developers, no matter where you are, no matter how popular you are, as long as the owner of financial power wants to, they can take you down. This is a primitive assertion of a more primitive power, which chills me to the bone. This is an ancient formula to ensure obedience. Decentralization is not only a way for us to create magical cryptocurrencies, but also a key tool for us to balance the world's power structure. We need to get as much independence as possible from centralized systems, which happens at three levels: at the technical level, we promote the adoption of decentralized approaches; at the monetary level, we break the ability of centralized parties to destroy the livelihoods of the entire economy; at the power level, we have the same say as big companies and governments, and determine the global agenda and spirit. Without this decentralized power base, we are destined to always be under the control of a few, like rats trapped in a maze. Finally, such cases need to become our battle slogans, let us stop giving to those who provide us ETFs, fancy campaign slogans, and institutional flattery of ‘fake friendship’, we as an industry have been screwed because we have always flattered others instead of fighting for what the world needs. Build for the future we want to see, the friends we want to be around, and the people we want to be. We may have a chance to build the decentralized power base that the world desperately needs.”