Today we are going to talk about the super powerful compound interest thinking! This is a good thing that can make a big difference in our lives. "Snowball: Buffett and His Wealthy Life" said: "Very wet snow, plus a long slope, can roll into a huge snowball." This is actually talking about the power of compound interest. What is the magic of compound interest thinking? If you can improve 1% every day, after 365 days a year, the results will be 37.8 times the original; if you stand still every day, the results will remain the same. This is like what Fernando Pessoa said, many people only live one day in their lives, but repeat it more than 10,000 times. The essence of compound interest thinking is that doing something A will bring result B, and B will in turn strengthen A, and the cycle will continue. Read 10 minutes more books, exercise 10 minutes more, or learn a new skill every day, and accumulate them, and your life will be very different. Here are six types of compound interest thinking that will make your life open up. Thinking compound interest: Challenge yourself every day, refute your own views, learn efficient thinking models and apply them. Compounding of time: Find something you like and can invest in for a long time, such as writing a 300-word diary every day. After ten years, you will gain a lot and have more control over your life. Compounding of learning: Review yourself every day, use the KPT review method, summarize your experience, record your mistakes and excellent ideas, and review them systematically every month. Compounding of relationships: Interpersonal relationships are also a compounding model. Arguing with relatives and friends is withdrawing money, and win-win cooperation is saving money. The more you store in your "emotional bank", the richer your interpersonal resources will be, and the richer your heart will be. Compounding of habits: Insisting on small changes, such as getting up early to drink water and running for 10 minutes every day, can improve the quality of life and enhance self-confidence. In the field of investment, the application of compounding thinking is very significant. For example, Peter Lynch is a well-known investment master. During his time managing the Magellan Fund, he achieved a substantial increase in fund assets through long-term investment in high-quality growth companies. One typical case is his investment in Apple. In the early stages of Apple's development, Peter Lynch was optimistic about its innovation ability and market potential, and continued to buy and hold its shares. As Apple continues to launch innovative products, the company's performance continues to grow and its stock price has risen sharply.Long-term holding has earned him several times or even dozens of times the return on this stock. For another example, suppose you invest 1,000 yuan per month in a fund with an annualized rate of return of 10% when you are 20 years old. After 40 years, when you are 60 years old, the final principal and income will exceed 2.8 million yuan. This is the amazing magic of compound interest in investment. Apply compound interest thinking to life, first examine whether what you do every day is standing still. Think about what can bring long-term benefits, such as writing public accounts, running, and reading. The key is to persist. Even if the effect is not obvious at the beginning, you will reap a lot over time. Bill Gates said that most people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in ten years. It is easy to understand the truth, but it is difficult to insist on doing the right thing when you have nothing to gain. I hope everyone can use compound interest thinking well to make life better and better!