Look quickly! Look quickly! Look quickly! This is very important for the subsequent trend of ton. Today, I saw the news that the founder of TG was pressed on his head in France. Ton plummeted by more than 20%. At present, a large number of people rushed in to buy the bottom, thinking that it would come out in two days. If it really comes out, then ton will definitely rise sharply, but the situation is a bit complicated at present. It involves the relationship between the United States and Russia. It may not come out in a short time. Mizulina said: Detaining Durov may be to crack down on ton, so that the United States can continue its policy sanctions. At present, many well-known people such as Musk have spoken in Durov, and the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs is also trying to extradite Durov back to Russia. The market is complicated now, otherwise you can play CARV. CARV is backed by two major sectors of hot games and AI. This round of bull market will definitely fly. What is CARV? CARV is the native token of the CARV ecosystem and the exchange medium of the ecosystem. It gives players data ownership and allows players to participate in the development and governance of the ecosystem. How CARV works If the CARV protocol brings benefits to users

The modular data of the CARV protocol allows individuals to own, control and verify their own data while earning benefits from it. Users can use this protocol to ensure their privacy and data ownership, prevent it from being leaked, and enjoy higher security and transparency. This method not only makes data management easier, but also provides users with the opportunity to gain economic benefits from data.

What future prospects will CARV bring?

In the future, CARV will play an important role in the Web3 data ecosystem. With the continuous development of decentralized technology, CARV will enable data to continue to grow, thereby achieving a more open and prosperous ecosystem, and continue to promote the development of the web3 data field


@WGO Crypto
