According to ChainCatcher, Jupiter co-founder Meow published a long article on the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov: "Finance is power. Today's blatant arrest of Pavel clearly shows who holds this power. This is a warning to all other protocol developers that no matter where you are, no matter how popular you are, the owners of financial power can find you as long as they want."

“It’s a raw assertion of a more primal force that sends chills down my spine, an age-old formula for ensuring obedience. Decentralization isn’t just a way for us to print magical cryptocurrencies, it’s an essential tool in our quest to balance the world’s power structures. We need to be as independent of centralized systems as possible, and this happens on three levels: on the technical level, where we drive adoption of decentralized pathways; on the monetary level, where we disrupt the ability of centralized parties to destroy livelihoods across entire economies; and finally, on the power level, where we have as much say as large corporations and governments in determining the global agenda and ethos. Without this decentralized power base, we are doomed to remain forever controlled by the few, like rats trapped in a maze designed by the owners of these thumbs.”

“Finally, stories like this need to be our rallying cry to stop sucking up to the institutions that give us ETFs, fancy campaign slogans, and ‘fake friendships.’ As an industry, we are screwed because we are always sucking up to others instead of fighting for what the world needs. Build for the future we want to see, for the friends we want to be with, and for who we want to be. We may have a chance to build the decentralized power base that this world desperately needs.”