[French media: Pavel Durov knew he was wanted by France but still decided to go to Paris] On August 25, according to the French newspaper Le Monde, Telegram CEO Pavel Durov was arrested accompanied by bodyguards and assistants. He arrived in Paris from Baku on a private plane and was expected to spend at least one night in Paris. The billionaire knew he was wanted in France, but still decided to go to Paris. Previously, Pavel Durov became a French citizen in 2021 through a special procedure and currently has dual French and Russian citizenship. Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolaï launched Telegram in 2013, and Telegram is committed to protecting user privacy. In a rare interview in Dubai in April, Pavel Durov said that he was under tremendous pressure from the Russian authorities when he created the social network VK, so he came up with the idea of ​​launching encrypted messaging. So he left Russia in 2014, and then tried to settle in Berlin, London, Singapore and San Francisco, and finally set up Telegram headquarters in Dubai.